Prokop Diviš
inventor of lightning rod
Alois Senefelder
inventor of litography
Josef Božek
constructor of steam carriage and ship
Jan Evangelista Purkyně
theory of cells...
Cousins Veverkové
inventors of ruchadlo (swing plough)
Johann Gregor Mendel
laws of inheritance
Jakub Husník
inventor of the improved photolithography method
Max Ernst
Mach number, the study of shock waves, supersonic velocity
Karel Klíč
photogravure reproduction
Josef Ressel
invent and use the propeller
František Křižík
inventor of the arc lamp
Leopold Sviták
automobile constructor
Jan Janský
blood types
Karel Schinzel
colour photography
Erich Roučka
electric measuring instruments
Jaroslav Heyrovský
inventor of polarography
Otto Wichterle
inventor of contact lenses
Antonín Holý
antiretroviral drugs against HIV and hepatitis B
Sugar cube
Breech-loader rifle
Koh-i-noor snap
Cubist architecture
Kaplan turbine
Tent with wooden sides
Snowmobile Tatra V855
Mechanic pencil Versatil
Sobering-up Station
Plasma pencil
Jára Cimrman is known to many in this country as perhaps the greatest Czech inventor, artist, explorer and musician of all time. He has been the subject of a dozen plays, which are frequently staged in a Prague theatre that is named after him. The plays aim to highlight the contribution of a man who many believe has never received proper recognition for his achievements.