Photo tour of the Czech Republic

Lusatian Mountains

The Lusatian Mountains (Lužické hory) are a small mountainous range in Northern Bohemia between Děčín and Liberec. It lies at the border between the Czech Republic and Germany. The highest peak is the Luž (793 m) situated directly on the German borders. Other important peaks are Jedlová (774 m), Klíč (760 m), Hvozd (750 m) and Studenec (736 m). Since 1976 the Lusatian Mountains are protected as a Landscape Reserve.

A very characteristic element of the Lusatian range is the variegated folk architecture. The original type is represented by the timbered house with a special kind of brace-frame construction and small divided windows and with a gable roof. In the area the ruins of several castles are preserved the most known of which is the Tolštejn castle. Remarkable are several rock formations (Bílé kameny, Pustý zámek, Zlatý vrch, Dutý kámen and Panská skála, well-known as the "Rock organ" - "Varhany")